I got a new haircut today!!! Not happy but SAD! :'(
Now my hair sooo short lorz. Longer than those until neck one la budden still very short leh!!!
I was soooooo sad but my mother aggravated the condition by asking me to clear up the mess of hair on the ground! So cruel! =[ I had no choice but to clean up lorz...
If my memory serves me right, i read somewhere that it takes an normal person one month to grow 0.5cm of hair on average (I think la...). That means that i took a year to grow them lehz!!! Unless i'm abnormal la...
Grrr... the murderers must be punished dont you think? My Mum was the mastermind of this tragedy while my Dad was the accomplice. Thousands (or maybe tens of thousands) of little lives died under their hands!!!
Help me think of their punishment and post in on the tagboard okayz?
I got a new image on MapleStory also...
Wierd combination rite?
Signing off,