WHHEEE!!! today was so fun! Sabbaticals!!!!!!!!!
first- cheerleading!!!
whee we learnt dance today!!!!!! so fun lol just thats its too fast to retarded me! =] and WOOHOO we managed to do double bass and get everybody up!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH so happy! ph was extremely happy la hahahahha. but ouch our hands ached like crap and now my arms are still aching. never had such sore arms before, not even gym! hahahaha. lol im a lousy base bleh but whee so fun! its scary to be the flyer up there but whee again so fun!! yay!!!!
next- food chemestry!!
the whole lab stank(correct?) of eggs!! super stinky coz one of the experiments today was to extract cholestrol from eggs! hahahha not really very fun but its fascinating to see cholestrol haha!!! hmm.. hte other experiment was..... oh ya the milk one! that one was fascinating too!! seeing the milk reacting to detergent!! whee!!!
yesterday's gym was so fun! hahahah seniors were having a competition to see whos tao was the most disgusting. olly got 0.5 wooo!!! our champion hahahah! was so funny her tao! lol and then we just jumped and jumped till only like 4? coz wang gotta go bishan to train dunno who for competition. but i stayed till 5 anyway ^^. wheeee!! and we have this cca cip thing where we are gonna bake cookies and sell to raise fund. so fun!! hahah lol
okay i backstabbed my brother tonight. i told my mum that he comes back at 3 and plays come until 6 then sleep until 7. yep and when she was scolding him at the dinner table i just minded my own business. sigh im such a faker. =[
okay my arms ache like crap sheesh. byebye. gym training tmr! ^^
Ps. guess what!! i have inspiration for a new skin! loL!