July 08, 2005

WOOOO i have SO many things to say man! (eeee i sound so ahlian) lalala man1 man1 lai2 ba... 2 hours to sleeping time!!! remember to read till the end kiez the last one is MOST IMPORTANT!!!! ^^

Okay i just came back from mulan and im dam tired. and i feel SCAMMED!!! AHHHHH!!! okay i went to mulan excitedly at 7.10, then i met the rest and lagged around until 7.40 they let us in. before that, i was walking around trying to get 'illegal' ten dollar tickets for sammie and yuhan but in the end gary tang lost the tickets! GR! but anyway a big thank you to him that he lost the tickets so sammie and yuahn saved five dolaars each coz they bought the five dollar standing tickets. k then whatever whatever, everybody rushed into the audi when it opened. I sat with rina, sammie and yuhan and we got some seats quite around the centre near the front. hahahahahaha okay take note sammie and yuhan had the STANDING tickets. lol then me and sammie were communicating through smsing each other hahahahah. and we felt so guilty LOL!. and we were devising all kinds of plans just in case we got caught. like i changed seats with sammie so that she could seat more to the middle just in case when the people wanna check tickets they wont dare to go so in. and we were practicing how to pass tickets from me to sammie just in case the person really dared to go into the row. and hahaha rina told us to cover the number when the person checked so that when we passed the tic it wont be identical. SO funny! lol! brilliant cheaters! anywayz then the lights were dimmed. and the show started. the strting was just some slides showing a mulan poem. i guess it took 10 minutes. k then the show started. it wasblack and some people had bicycle lights (at the back that one lol!) on they hands and they were fightin?! it was rather confusing. okay make that Very confusing. the rest of the show was 'what are they doing?!?' kayz so as u can guess, nobody understood, except for some more artistically inclined people. yar then after like HALF AN HOUR, the show ended. how diao is that! 10 bucks, half an hour. -_-"""""""""""""' whats gary tang's prob? okay fine its not his fault, its just that we are too simple for his complicated art. -_-" i expected it to be more like a play and funny and stuff la! they better donate the moeny to some charity organisation so i wont feel so sad! sighhh im already so broke and i just wasted 10 bucks for something i did not understand except for the fact that the play (or can be called mime) is titled Mulan and it basically visualises the poem. -_- and i still havent watched inditial D!! darnit!. but anyway the visual effects are SO cool! its so impressive (for me)!! and i feel so sad for theatre people coz they have to go back for theatre EVRYDAY from morning till 6+ during the holis and stay back EVRYDAY even when school reopened. they missed the funfair today too! ='[ sigh! gary tang and his complicated thoughts.

todays funfair was FUN! i dunno why so many peepz dun like funfair! its so fun thats why its callled FUNfair!! ... today as usual had assembly but assembly was fun. the sec 4s performed shavaa shavva! looked fun ahahh! then had auction and fashion walk on traditional costumes. so funny. lol! then came the funfair!! we brought down the choco flakes, put up the big 'ad' and set the table. i was in the first shiftso i just stayed there for 20 minutes. lijun and yihui were screaming and screaming so poorthing but nobody wanted to buy. after my shift i walked around finiding Foooood and in the end i finished my coupon by buying 2 from my stall, sausage from yining's stall, and nuggets from jiayee's stall and i felt full, miraculously! then after that i went to la1 ke4 (sounds wrong) with patricia hahahha! shes very the pro la! on the way we saw lotsa wierd/fun/more interesting/huh?? stalls like haunted house, manicure, rebonding stall, colouring hair too. then haha i decided to go up to the gym and almost everybody was there! at least all my teammates and c-div seniors were there! =] then we played around on the trampo but couldnt suicide coz got seniors there haha =] and then we played on the bars too! i feel so accomplished!! i managed to stand on the first bar and grab hold of the second bar!!! lol! and i realised how strong the floorers were though they are sooooooooo skinny. hahahah i killed my knee while playing on the bars but i think its okay now. i stayed at the gym till like 12.30 then went down to find that everybody packed up already and everybody was just sitting and chatting. lol zhee a bit the crazy at the end of the funfair the still have 3.50 worht of coupons left so we wiped out all the cookies lol coz they were the only food left. anyway then lalala after school we went to the gym again and played till 3.15 before i went home. hahahha i think we are getting seriously addicted and obsessed with gym le ^^ !!!!! im starting to dream of gym at night and sam is gettign dreams of gym too! i bet the rest too! hahaha gym is addictive!!! AHHH i love my cca!!!!!!!

Tramp Comps
yay okay it was yesterday and im a bit late ahahha! yesterday we skipped school from 10.15 onwards and hahahha played truant till 11 plus then went to ccab lol! we took the wrong bus and walked from serene centre ALLL the way to ccab a bit the crazy lol! but i am so broke and my ezlink is out of money! then when we reached, our seniors were already in comp leo and with their hair all gelled and dumped with glitter. SO poor thing leh!! the glitter!! anyway then we saw them warm up, prepare and stuff and comps officially began at one plus i think. first up was c-div. our seniors were the last group to go so we had to wait very long before they went. meanwhile, we looked at the other groups. scgs isnt up to their standard this year which is a good thign! =] haha me dont be mean, they dont have enough sec 2s larz. then they other schools dont need to say le, disgusting... but whitly was quite good la but the judges gave then lowwwwlowwwww and their coach was so bu shuang. but nevertheless, my seniors are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here are the scores
jiayi- 7.6!!!!
yining- 7.5 (so wasted!)
jeanne- 7.6!!!! (but she could have got higher!!)
olivia- 7.3 yay!!! (*tap, tap, poke!* yay!)
yuhan- 6.75 (yay!! u did it! u didnt shibai! we still love u!!)
yay see my seniors so pro right!! hahaha the max score is 8 btw. yay! so c div got TEAM GOLD!!! jeanne and jiayi got INDIVIDUAL GOLD! jeanne cried until she turned red lol! for individuals so sad only got three trophies so there wasnt a silver coz jeanne, jiayi and a girl from rgs tied. if not yining could have gotten silver!!!

[sigh! blogger cancelled away a big chunk of my post!! ah i dun wanna write le go jeanne' blog and see kie! jiayi's too!]

I spent one and a half hour blogging. -_-

Blogging is time-consuming,
but some do not mind!
(ipw hypothesis lol!)