first was spring cleaning.......... okay............. quite..... okay..........
then we had watoto choir from uganda!! i like the 7-year-old boy =] so cute. they are great!
then recess i went to the gym. my qian kong is so totally destroyed can =[ i have to start from scratch.
next up was a super long lecture in the hall - end of year briefing. super lame!
then was returning of report books. i guess im rather satisfied.
weehhhh then later had grouping of OM groups i was the 'luckiest' and got into carol's group. wow -_- ohmigosh i so dont want to fail OM can. BLEARH when can i seriously start slacking in my group projects! i love science sia the most. everybody worked lor!! EVERYONE.
two times chou qian i got it. what the heck. its destinied. maybe im the angel sent to save ze group!! aw hahhaah =] so zi lian =P
sheesh im so selfish.
face reality.