November 15, 2005

WHEE im boredddddd!!! so i shall just do yet another quiz i found on zhee's blog =D

1. name: jiaqi
2. single or taken: single.
3. sex: female
4. birthday: 12 march 92
5.siblings: fat older brother =P
6. hair color: black? i think
7. eye color: black? i think [waha!]
8. shoe size: no idea... wahaha!
9. height: 158!! =[
10. any tattoos or piercings: earhole?

s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs?: no duh whaha!
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: currently 'rejoice' but its finished
3. what are you most scared of?: alone in the dark
4. who is the last person that called you?: some certain person who i dunno
5. where do you want to get married?: in a church?? lol =]
6. how many buddies are online right now?:16
7. what would you change about yourself?: i want more muscles =]

f a v o r i t e (s)
1. color: baby blue and pink. and yellow! =D
2. food: sushi, pizza, and the list goes on....
3. boys names: errrrrrrr dunno.
4. girls names: errrrrrrrr dunno
5. subjects in school: maths. =DD
6. animals: dinosaurs!^^

h a v e y o u e v e r
1. given anyone a bath?: ERM no i think
2. smoked?: no
3. bungee jumped?: no.
4. made yourself throw up?: no. -.-
5. skinny dipped?: noo
6. ever been in love?: i love green tea [too] =]
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: no?
8. eaten a lemon in its entirety?: no.
9. run away from home?: no.
10. cried when someone died?: nobody died ???
11. lied? : of course lol =]
12. fallen for your best friend?: i'm straight [too! ^5 zhee =))]
13. been rejected?: obvious -.- my mum always rejects me to go out
14. rejected someone?: yar
15. used someone?: ...
16. done something you regret?: life is full of regrets 0.0 [too! waha!]

c u r r e n t
clothes: homecloths
music: dun have
make-up: dun even have
annoyance: no tv shows!
smell: shampoo
favorite group: ?
desktop pic: the default windows one
book youre reading: i dotn read books =D
color of toenails: my toenails are translucent =]

l a s t p e r s o nyou
touched: jeanne?!?! i dunno?!
hugged: i forgot! i think it was jeanne too! during comps =] so long ago!
instantmessaged: linghong =]
you yelled at: o.O my brother?
kissed: never kissed before =]]

a r e y o u
open-minded: guess so?
arrogant: hope not!
insecure: yessssssss sadly =[
random: VERY =D
hungry: VERY!!
moody: VERY mwahahahah! im everything except..
organized: NO
difficult: yep!

In the morning i am: breathing =]
dream about: i only occasionally get dreams leh

o p p o s i t e s e x
what do you notice first: no idea
makes you laugh the most: me bro lol!
makes you smile: not me bro =]

d o y o u e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to you?: nope.
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: so no
wish you were younger?: YESSSSS
cried because someone said something to you?: yes

N u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: erm dunno
of hearts i have broken: dunno
of guys ive kissed: 0
of girls ive kissed: 0
of continents i have lived in: 1
of cds i own: 0 lol!

F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s
1. do you like filling these out?: when im uber bored
2. gold or silver?: silver!
3. what was the last movie you watched?: initial D on vcd =DD
4. favourite cartoon/anime?: erm.... dunno
5. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: chickie pie
6. who would you love being locked in a room with?: no specific one
7. could you live without your computer?: yes.
8. would you color your hair?: nooooooooooooo
9. could you ever get off the computer?: yes
10. habla espanol?: ?????
11. how many people are on your msn list?: 157 =]
12. Drink Alcohol?: red bull? lol
13. Your name spelled backwards?: iqaij lol!
14. Where were your parents born?: singapore
15. Have you ever moved?: yep
16. What's your Favorite place to go?: no favourite
17. Is your bed is a single, double, Queen or King?: double deckered
18. What's your favorite sport to play?: trampoline mwahahaah!
19. How many kids do you want?: two.
20. Type of music you dislike most?: dunno
21. Colour of your school bag?: black but i wnana change!
22. Do you have cable?: no
23. Favorite 80's song? dunno =]
84. Ever prank call anybody?: no
25. Ever get a parking ticket?: not me, my dad
26. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: sky diving =]
27. Furthest place you have ever been?: hongkong! how pathetic =[
28. Ever bowl a 300?: no -.-
29. What's your favorite comic strip?: chew on it =D
30. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem?: no heh heh =P.
31. Bath or Shower?: bath
32. Best movie you've seen in the past month?: initial D LOL
33.Fvorite pizza topping?: no idea
34. Beer or ale?: none =]
35. Have you ever smoked peanut shells? peanut shells can be smoked? lol
36. Do you eat skin on chicken?: yep!
37. Apple juice or Orange?: apple juice.
38. Favorite type of chocolate bar?: emmmm no favourite.
39. Favourite fruit?: no preference
40. Your favorite vegetable?: sweet potato ba
41. Have you ever won a trophy?: yes :)
42. Are you a good cook?: noooooooooooooo
43. Do you know how to pump your own gas?: no?
44. Bought something from an infomercial?: wassat =[
45. Is Oprah annoying or great?: its okay
46. Ever flex in front of a mirror?: eeeeee no! so zi lian!
47. Ever throw up in public?: no
48. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love?: millionaire!! wahahaha im practical!
49. Do you believe in love at first sight?: yep
50. Ever call a 1-900 number?: yes
51. Ever been stood up for a date?: no
52. Biggest turn off of the opposite sex?: no comments too
53. Ever Been Cheated on?: no
54. What are the names of all your pets dead and/or alive? my turtle was called sth starting with S. i forgot!! =[ haahhaha
55. Can ex's be friends?: yar.

woohoooo i finishedd!!!!!!1 =DD and i just used back this skin coz i kan bu shuang the other one AHHAHAHA