OKay i just received this through an email =D and i decided to do it here instead. so here it goes!
This is fun. Hope I receive it back from you. Read through the comments below about your friend and then make sure you read the instructions at the bottom. Have fun!
1. What time is it: 10.34pm
2. Name: Jiaqi =]
3. Nickname: Fish Milkshake!! (hahahah!)
4. Piercing: yep
5. What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theatre: errr i forgot! either robots or kungfu hustle whichever is nearer
6. Eye color: no idea. black??
7. Place of birth: Singapore
8. Favorite NEW foods: Dove Amecelli (sth to that spelling =])
9. Ever been to Africa: Nope. i want to!! LOL i will just put more sunblock
10. Love someone so much it made you cry: YUPPO! love God! =D
11. Been in a car accident: nope
12: Favorite Movie? No idea yet. recent favourite movie is Skyhigh!!
13. Croutons or bacon bits? bacon bits i guess
14. Favorite day of the week: Sunday!!!
15. Favorite restaurants: no preference
16. Favorite Flower: no preference =]
17. Favorite sport to watch: gymnastics and trampoline! =D
18. Favorite drink? green tea or cokefloat =]]]
19. Favorite ice cream: dunno
20. Warner Bros. or Disney: Warner Bros
21. Favorite fast food restaurant: Long Johns!
22. What color is your bedroom carpet: no carpet.
23. How many times you failed your driver's test?: HAHA NONE! what a brilliant driver i am =D
24. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail: Wai wai =]
25. Which store would you choose to Max out your credit card this week: no idea....
26. What do you do most often when you are bored: listen to 933 and sleep =]]
27.When is your Bedtime: anytime!
28. Favorite TV shows: love alot!
29. Last person you went to dinner with: ermmmmm my parents?
30. Ford or Chevy?: dunno
31: what are you listening to right now?: 9.33 lol
32. What is your favorite colour?: yellow, baby blue, baby pink, lime green, orange haha =D
33. How many tattoos do you have: None.
34. How many pets do you have: none i want a doggie =]]]
35. Which came first the chicken or the chicken egg?: chicken!! coz god created the animals directly first =]]
RETURN DIRECTIONS: Now, here's what you're supposed to do... and please do not spoil the fun. Hit reply, delete my answers and type in your
answers. Then send this to a whole bunch of people you know INCLUDING the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known facts about those who know you. Remember to send it back to the person who sent it to you.
awww i just realised i 'spoilt the fun' hahahaah!! oh wells =D