YAY =D its a happy day!
bla bla lessons first and then after school was cip!!!
we were playing hosts to the TCIL people! they are more down abilitied adults.
and before that i thought they were children, easier to handle than adults coz at least we are older than them.
oh yea so well the we went to the lt at about 2.45 and then started preparing the chairs etc for them. and then they came!!! they started coming in and some high fived us, and others smiled and waved happily and minority were quiet and shy. i was actually frightned when i saw them. coz it was really super different from my original image of them in my mind. i didnt know what o expect and whether they will interact well with us and whether we can organise them.
okay and then we let them sit down and we started the skit. the skit was a super super duper big success la considering they only practiced it for their first time this morning. cheerios to alkl the actors!! =D the tcil were very enthu and supportive of us!
and then after that we breaked into groups- advance, intermediate and basic. i was supposed to be interacting with the advanced group. yes and so i was sweating like mad that afternoon firstly coz i had to run down to get the drinks coz we forgot and left them in class, and coz i was scared. but they are really really really really really really really very very very very nice and interactive. and u can see they are really good friends with each other. they are very cute!!!!
and they are all really really clever people too! =D one guy was asking huiying who is our principal, where does she park her car. lol! so cool la and he asked zee her age. zee said 14 and he immediately said 1992. so cool la!!! hes so smart. and they all understand what we are talking, what we are expressing to them.
after they went back to the centre =[ we had a big debrief and we went aroudn in a circle talking bout our gan xiangs about this session with them. we really learnt so much =]]]] so happy.
and i jsut feel that we people underestimate them too much. they are really much much more independant and clever and fun and nice and cool than we have thought them to be. its probably coz during those charity shows they show the saddest of all people but really not everybody is like that. they are really much more than we expect.
i totally changed my pespective this afternoon. =] and i learnt so much =)))))