April 08, 2006
today was rather a nice day.
at least trainnig felt better! even though i only did... one satisfactory tao wahahahahaha!
the rest were full of screw-ups pli pla pleh!
wang was still very pmsy today but he didnt really come and scare us wahahah! =D
and at the last bit of training we were learning how to walk in unison LOL! and we took so long we skipped the last jian cha! YAY! =D
wahahahah!! =))))))))))))))
and then after training i went to my ah ma house
and i was happily eating my bowl of magi mee when my stupid idiotic moronic brother came along and spit mentos into my magi mee and then went laughing like mad.
and i was so pissed i went to beat him HAHAHA! violent tendencies! and then i cried -.-
hahahaha i dunno i think i suddenly got overreactive tear ducts these few days.
im been crying so much often. even when reading blog posts tears also start to flow. -.-
wahahahah wheee! then i was still very pissed and refused to eat that mentos flavoured magi mee BLEh! stupid bro! $^*(%">*#&%#$(&*!
and then i was slacking and sleeping the whole day coz i was so tired.
and i want to finish my homeecons research paper now!
but 'the heart is willing but the flesh is weak' <---- cliche compo stuff i still remember -.- oh wells ahhhhh =]]]] yay i took some random photos the other day =]
my vietnamese dollie! =D without the black skirt yet =]
COMP LEO! ahha okay la it looks okay... but the design is so common X
wheelala byebye! =]]]