June 02, 2006

I was just watching fruits basket on youtube.
ahhhh so nice...............................

Imagine if we were living the life of Tohru.. how cool.... =DDD with highly animated people around u, and with people swishing into animal form when you hug em =DDDD
and she seems so happy and carefree!!!........
It would be so nice if it was reality..

okay anyway shall do this quiz coz zx tagged me.

Name 3 schools you went to? MXPS (<3) , YNPS, NYGH

name 3 things in your wallet? MONEHHH $$, plaster, 'i not stupid too' movie ticket.

Name 3 things you always wear? smile, smile, smile =))) <-- okay fine that is so untrue hahaha

Name 3 things you normally do when you are stressed? Stress out, stress out, stress out

Name 3 fav songs right now? We go together =D, nothing, nothing

Name 3 fav persons in life? SOOOOO many

Name 3 places you go on a daily basis? toilet.... my room... home.... ???

Name 3 things you like to do? BAKE, slack away, chat.

Name 3 favourite fruits? hmm.. MANGO.. APPLE.. DURIAN

Name 3 things you are addicted to? talking rubbish =DDD, talking trash +DDD, talking crap :DDD

Name 3 fav hobbies: BAKING, chatting, JAZZ! =)))))))

Name 3 career choices: BAKER, -, -

Name 3 goals in 2006: be hardworking, finish my b-div tao, do a handstand T.T

Name 3 plans for tmr: MAKE THE JUNIORS SO PA AND TANG PROPERLY, watch fruits basket, enjoy myself at the concert! =DDD

3 names you go by? jiaqi, qiqi?, ahqi?

Three things that scare you? seeing three things scary

Three everyday essentials? LAUGHTER, PEACE, JOY!

Three things you are wearing right now? Smile! (yay this is true =)))), my specs, 2002 racial harmony day shirt (LOL!)

Three of your favourite bands or musical artists? PAUL TWOHILL, bla, bla, bla....

Three things you want in a relationship(OTHERTHAN LOVE)? uhhhhhhh.... LAUGHTER, PEACE, JOY =D

Two Truths and a Lie (in no particular order)? Apples are green, Mangoes are green, I am green XD

Three Physical Things about the Opposite Sex that Appeal to You? uhhhhhhhhh

Three Places You Want to go on Vacation? JAPAN, AUSTRALIA, AMERICA

Three things you want to do before you die? Treat somebody truely selflessly, binge, love GOD with all my might and all my heart and all my soul.

Three people I would like to see take this quiz? Patrick star!!!! , Spongebob!!!! , PAUL TWOHILL!!!!