GAh so dead..... Got a truckload of homework i can never finish la -.-
Movie Speech which was supposed to be finished and memorised...
Maths homework which i dont know how to do since i skipped 2 or 3 maths lessons
Maths practice paper which i dont know how to do tooo! X(
Chinese ying yong wen which i have to redo coz i got 6.5 -.-
Science SIA which is due TOMORROW and we havent really done anything
Art bleh draaw my figurine
Reader's theatre! week 9 and havent started!
Huo dong ji lu which i totally havent started also
And Hazel's letter which is overdue for like more than 2 months!!! &^%&$^%#^$^(*&^%@
Wa i can see myself in deep excretion.....