went to watch kungfu panda at vivo!
haha the movie is soo cutee!! jack black did a great job!
and i love the turtle!! haha the spelling of its name on imdb is so cute! oogway! lol totally direct translation of wu gui!
i just think the western interpretation of kungfu/chinese/china/oriental stuff is so interesting to watch! the pretty china-ish buildings, the funny traditions and beliefs, the super cool chinese music, the way chinese people act and behave. cool to watch =]
watching the movie as a person so exposed to both western and eastern culture, i would say the movie was unintendedly comical! the paradox of a hollywood film on something so traditionally chinese is just cuteeeee! :D
and the moral of the story is nice and sweet! :D
okay go watch kungfu panda! =]]
after that we went to play arcade! but arghh the arcade at vivo is so lousy and small! there was only one time crisis machine! and there was nothing to play =/ nvrmind i won nat at air hockey wahaa!! the first game 5-3! hmm i thought somebody said he would thrash me at arcade :DD
hmm and we went to walk daiso! daiso has cute random stuff!=]
and then went to marche i think the interior decor is so pretty!! =]] so swiss and cosy!
stupid nat made me pose with the red marche cow cos i was wearing a maroon shirt-.-
zzz which sparked off a series of embarassing photo taking at toys-r-us, with the lego giraffe wearing a red shirt, gross pink shiny bling bling barbie stuff, red construction hat, pink scooter etc etc
you gay i shall get back!
wahahaha okay it was fun :D
walked the shops, even vivomart, and then candy empire!
yay the nerds rope is really nice :DD thankyou!
then we went to toa payoh to meet nat's friends
hahahaha they are so funny! :D
we took really long to decide where to eat and ended up at macs! where i saw miss yeo! gosh! hope she didnt see me hahahahaha.
and the dinner made me realise i need to brush up on my socialising skills! totally fail! hahah i think its true that nanyangs girls dont talk. okay im such a true blue nanyang girl!
we scooted off while one of his friend (called ah beng haha!) went to get dinner downstairs to prank him. hahahahah we were hiding in front of macs on the first level but he didnt see us haha! he came down and walked in front of us without realising lol! we were a bunch of mad people staring at the floor and laughing like crap. hahahaha it was so funny! :DDD
lalala it was a really fun day!:D and im still feeling guilty for being so boring haha!