July 25, 2008

wah i hate being made used of

i cleared up my room today. and made a new calendar for my board for august. and made a piggy bank out of my favourite milk carton cos i was inspired to save money today.
yay its really therapeutic =]
wala blocks are over i shall go venture and do some stuff i want to do before the mugging wave hits again.

1. i really want to frame up my piece of the trampoline and hang it up in my room
2. i wanna watch dark knight, wall-e, moneynotenough2, 12 lotus, bad habits
3. i wanna find pretty stuff at art friends
4. i wanna learn how to make cool pop-ups
5. i wanna see people smile

haha thats all.
my list is so short this time.

and theres just one thing i wanna do now
#1 hug a pillar.
lol dont know why. i just really want to go hug a pillar

gahhhhh :C