nothing much to say because school is just boring.
but like i still insist, studying/eoys/muggingforlife is fun! compared to the tons of work and commitments we all have to do when its not exam period
i mean during exam period all we have to do is mug and not care about anything else. how much more stress-free can it get(:
hmm maybe im just saying this because im not mugging for life now.
but anyway jiayou to all who're having prelims/tests soon! :)
okay proof of the boredom during class.
random illegal phototaking!
i cut a hole in my paper to hide my phone like what mr bean does and started randomly taking pictures. im such a bad student. but the paper with the hole is really quite comical.
mr lim! forever sweating
(wa see jiale so guai listening during lesson! oh yea so poor thing shes always the first to smell mr lim)
haha i think jessica is so cute!
oh oh qianwen and i found an awesome way to pass boring lessons!
BINGO! yay!
time literally flies when we're playing bingo haha
bingo is the way!
my current lyrical jazz course ended! :(
but theres a new lyrical jazz course starting next week! woohoo!:D
ohno. its 1am! and i still have so much stuff to do :(