October 03, 2008

gahhhh feeling very frustrated over nothing. *(#$($@$ im really in a race against time, trying to overcome and sleep late, maximize time. and at the same time ive a few extra commitments on hand. dont know how now. sciences are starting in 5 days! and i got to start revision on physics only today. gahhhhh321489134 and yet i have to deal with other problems and i want to run away instead.

with all the marksheets coming in it really isnt helping with the situation too. just blatently smacks the fact that im not doing as well as i should in my face, and eoys is all thats left to salvage. and obviously now my eoys are going to be compromised too.


i will survive! i hope i do

food is the only element that brings happiness on school days now. just always looking forward to recess, to eat on the ramp with the lunchbox/ bread club and talk about stuff other than chem physics or maths; like buffets ! dessert buffets especially!! or excitedly planning outings after exams haha.
and after recess, look forward to lunch! to eat a proper meal, be full and be happy :)
After school, to go home and drop by the petrol kiosk to buy a treat. haha
food glorious food!
I tried the wasabi filet-o-fish and shaker fries from macs today! Very niceeee!!! maybe because i LOVE wasabi, but yea it was very nice and it made me happy haha :D

dance was the other highlight of today yay :D it swooshes all the worries away for that one hour, concentrate on something else challenging but fun :) next week is the last lesson! argh means i wont have anymore classes! because lyrical jazz ended yesterday! boo! :(

after dance class i went to macs to study. and my bro came to escort me home since my mum thought it was dangerous for me to walk home myself :O (no actually its a plot to get him out of the house to study longer) but it failed cos we couldnt last since macs was so hot and smelly. so we took a leisurely stroll home, dropped by cheers and bought icecream to treat ourselves. :D yay! and we talked about things like obama and mccain's fake drama friendship, and inflation because our favourite solero icecream used to be 70cents and now its one buck, and about physics being very fun in jc (huhh but no i'll still never take physics in jc). haha random

okay more studying, then solid sleep and gear up for a new day!