Oh no..... haha i was studying at such a snail's pace today, i still have alot to go!
hmm i shall just try to read as much as i can.
was watching channel U today and realised that the lyrics to '只对你有感觉' is very cute :))
微笑再美 再甜 不是你的 都不特别
眼泪再苦 再咸 有你安慰 又是晴天
靠的再近 再贴 少了拥抱 就算太远
玩的再疯 再野 你瞪一眼 我就收敛
马路再宽 再远 只要你牵 就很安全
我会又乖 又黏 温柔体贴 绝不敷衍
okay back to chinese.