haha nah actually i was back on wednesday. But i konked out on my bed from 6pm, once i reached home, till the next day 9am. Then the whole of thursday was just wasted cos i was trying to get myself back into the normal mode.
I miss camp so much!! I miss camp comm so much though i just met them hahaah!
Shall talk about camp another day because theres too much to say, so i shall just talk about today.
Went to Minds' cafe at Tampines Safra to hang out with camp comm today! Only 6 of us made it though, Joseph Daniel Tiff Waiian Sherlyn and me. Steph Lydia and Siling couldn't join us =[ Ah well we had alot alot of fun though!(: hahahaha camp comm is just really crappy and we have alot of fun going crazy together!
For starters we played a 'poke the pirate' game first. haha darn i dont have photos yet. Anyway so there was just this super cute pirate on a barrel with alot of holes, and we take turns sticking daggers into the barrel. Then the pirate will randomly spring out when some mechanism inside is activated! hahahaa its really retarded but its kinda fun to get a cheap thrill out of it haha! :D
Then we played Family Business! Yea its super fun! Its basically a card game of war! where we take turns trying to kill each other hahaha. we kept ganging up on each other and making people die haha so fun!
Then we found this game called the joke game, which wasnt funny at all so we switched so a cash and robbers game, which was too difficult to make sense of, hence we ended up with a game called 'True colours'! there were basically cards with questions for example 'who would you like to be your sibling if possible?' Then we would go round the table voting anonymously, and at the end you reveal the votes and see what other people think of you. hahahah it was quite cool and we kinda got to know what we each thought of each other at the end. :)
We were at minds' cafe from 1 to 530 playing these games. it was really a really fun time though! :))) oh yea and i met zhixuan there! and he was wearing contacts too hahahah i just saw him a few weeks ago right. hmm right
Okay then we made our way to Uncle Stuart and Aunty Rita's place, where we were warmly welcomed with awesome dinner! I am such a fan of Aunty Rita's homemade bread! IT IS SO AWESOME REALLY! and we had cheese fondue to go with it too which was so yummy! The beef rice was fantastic too, shes such a good cook! Had a great chat over dinner and after dinner as well, then we went to the living room to play taboo.
just charades in word form and theres a list of taboo words you cannot mention in order to make them guess the actual word.
hahahah Daniel is seriously a joker hahahaha!
The word was 'flab' then he went like, "uh alot of this thing on your tummy then it goes 'plop plop plop'*starts doing some weird flapping action*" hahahahah we just died laughing!
another word was 'hot line' then he went, " okay the first word. I am very...? *fans himself vigourously* "
hahahah he has such a big fat ego! hahaha super funny :)
and we realised through taboo that camp comm really had alot of fun together and built alot of identities together through camp. for example the description for 'vibrate' was 'waiian's phone!' because her phone is like this machine that vibrates super hard that it makes a sound when its on silent mode.
and 'what Tiff sounded like on the first day of camp!' was the description for 'Gremlin'! hahahah! really cool stuff.
We stayed there playing taboo till 11pm before heading home.
Yay i had such a fun day out with camp comm. Really love our committee because everybody just really seems to gel well and enjoy each others presence lots :) it wont happen if any one of us are changed.
Yay I really thank the Lord for this wonderful combination of people that he had brought together. =]