Sabbaticals! 12th and 13th
Sabbaticals were really fun i would say :D (So much better than Nanyang's really) Its cool to be able to learn something new!
For the first day I had Fashion Design which wasnt much of Fashion Design actually, but but but I sewed a skirt myself from a piece of fabric!! :D complete with the darts and zip and hems :D
It was supposed to be a sexy pencil skirt but there was no more time to sew the tapered bottom so it ended up as an A line skirt. Its okay i still love it the same :D
hahaha ours is second from the right :D And it looks nothing like the design we came up with which Jin-Faye drew haha! Thus realising that designing and executing are two totally different matters.
And I made new friends :D
Second day was Street Jazz!
Alot of funnnnnnnnnnnnnn! :D :D love dancing
and it was the day that i realised easy dances do still exist in the world, and how I miss that!
The choreo was very cute but easy to do at the same time. woww :O
And we have free 1 day pass to open classes whooo!
Yep thats all for Sabbs it was good fun(: though i didnt end up in the courses i wanted but yes it was still enriching! and I learnt new stuff instead of just sticking to what I liked to do.