May 06, 2008

Went back for training today.
and i jumped!! for like once.
aw man it feels so good to be jumping and flying again, i miss it so much!!!!!!!!! x[
my back started hurting after that round
so now im reduced to an old granny again rarrrrrrr
when can i jump again! i want to learn houzhi and barani! and get my sitdrop twist and tang back!
hope livia doesnt become like me! heal liv heal!

i hate teaching sec1s......... not their fault but i never liked teaching.
ahhhhhhhh why are we teaching sec 1s anyway -.- we're supposed to be in retirement!
but seeing all the new sec ones and their horrible qi tiaos,
i began missing the time when we were sec 1s.
haha i think we were really horrible then too. now i know the feeling of the seniors then. haha sad!
i miss sec 1. when we just forward rolled and backward rolled and did dong zuos on mat. though it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring but it was so fun doing it with your teammates! we were more bonded then. now we rarely even do stuff together, or even appear together bleh x[
i remember how we were making stupid noises while doing handstand and it was so fun! haha :D
doing dong zuos on the mat was bleh but reminiscing now is fun!
i crashed into renyi for my first pa! then jeanne was laughing at me while i was so embarrassed!! hahahah!!
i miss renyi! i really wonder how she was the only sec4 but she still kept coming for training!
oh man it must have been so hard on her. but she stuck on to her responsibility!
i miss the grand seniors! though we didnt really train with them.
but they are so legendary and cool! xinyi! ella!

how come all our seniors are so cool! :D