Rina's birthday! :D
Rina cutting her cake in the kitchen cos the candle kept blowing out.
hahaha at first i was supposed to go out and distract rina and talk to her cos shihui had to go back to the side of the canteen where we were hiding with the cake since she had the lighter! so yea i came, and then amanda and sianglin came too for some reason -.-
then shihui suddenly disappeared back in (cos she had the lighter)
and im like, die, how to cover -.-|||
i kept having to pretend to call sammie but actually she was in the kitchen.
then amanda ran back in after shihui so now both of them disappeared. and left rina and i and sianglin. i was desperately trying to buy time cos they were taking so long to light the candle. im like "sammies not picking up." "lets think of what to eat first" "what do you want to eat"
the worst was "i dont know where is shihui! where is shihui!?" and the blur sianglin went "huh shes lighting the candle."
like --.-- hahahahah then i tried to divert the topic again.
jeez in the end it turned out that the wind was too strong to bring the candle out so they brought it into the kitchen and lit it there, so amanda suddenly ran out and grabbed rina and dragged her into the kitchen.
hahahahahah:D yay!
really nice cake :D
photos of the 'official' handing in of course work!!!!!!!!!
haha ;D
mrs teo cutting a raffia ribbon we found hahahah!
hahahah spasticccccc it was really funny :DD
see we all went mad hahaha!
wheeeee! =]
after reading huiyings blog, i realised i actually do love art class.
not the lesson every monday, i hate art lesson because its practically a massive guilt ridden 3 hours,
but i love art class because of the people. xinyun, yingda, xinyan, huiying, yong tian, shen yi, yuchi, xiaoxiao. :DD
rememeber the first day of art class, 23 people sitting at the first floor art room staring wide eyed at each other, not talking together at all.
after 2 years, and the minusing away of 14 people, the 9 of us really just bonded and grew to accept each other for who we are. we are all super super differnt but yet theres jsut a bond that forged that i stil think was rather incredible. yingda and xinyun are like the perfect people, hardworking, funny, happy-go-lucky and smart kids from 401. yuchi, yongtian, are the very crazy(yuchi's singing of some random self created retarded song every lesson hahahaha!), very chinese people always crazing over da S, zai zai or something. and huiying's the very purely english person who doesnt have a clue over what they are talking about, xinyan and xiao xiao are the chinese ones too but they arent as crazy hahaha! and shenyi is just the quiet one and almost only listening and laughing at our craziness. and theres me the slacker who just keeps hoping that class is over, meanwhile enjoying yuchi's singing and whatever they are talking about.
as you see, we are just really really super different. but we just grew together and bonded over these two years. i actually have no idea how that happened. but it did =]
i guess its the suffering that pulled us together. when everybodys in the art room desperately trying to finish coursework and tearing our hair out, theres just an unknown comfort that theres people there for you. :) and a smile breaks out, and after that people start going cranky and be retarded together.
haha its almost the end now, and it a bit too late to realise all these but, really better late than never. Looking back, im really glad i didnt give mrs teo the letter during the march holidays, nor the june holidays. it was the two points i was just too stressed up but im glad i didnt do it, because i wouldnt have been able to experience all these; and i would have been really sad, giving it up at halfway. im just really proud have pulled through till the end, though i may be the last in class in terms of results but i dont care im just happy that i overcame myself.
doing this has also allowed me to experience some stuff thats so precious, like how some people just randomly message me and asking me how i am, wishing me well and cheering for me. Thank you all so much, it meant alot to me and gave me alot of strength.
and how xinyun and yongtian though finishing way earlier stayed and helped the rest of us in whatever way they could.
and okay how mrs teo really cared, though she really scares me sometimes.
it taught me how much i can push myself for work. working all night while everybody is sleeping is not a good experience but i did it. two big lessons to take away is, really dont do last minute work, and sometimes maybe try to do things logically instead of going by feeling.
:) im relieved and glad i went through it all. it will be something i will always remember.
i just finished with writing the graduation speech and it has set me thinking alot again.
i realised that i actually do love 402. we are all really special in our own ways, and though we may be muggers, we all do care and love each other :)
and i love our batch! the memories we share together are just awesome. everybody growing up together, transforming from nerdy sec1s to who we all are now is just wow. the 4 years have been long and we made it to the last lap together.
and i love nanyang! although the way of doing stuff is excruciatingly boring and conventional.
coming here has been the best decision ive ever made :)
its been a really reflective post. im just really thankful for all the care, thankful for all the people around me, you all are the best blessing i could ever have. thank you Lord for sending all these angels, and thank you for holding my hand walking me through all the hardship. Lovee!
So heres wishing everyone to stay happy, find happiness in mugging, find meaning in all that you do, and just find joy in anything, even the smallest things like the fact that you have your favourite food in the fridge.
i have green tea and strawberry milk in mine! YAY! :D