November 26, 2009

Potato adventures!
20th nov

'Dont know what to do' -> Random craving -> Spontaneity! -> kitchen adventure again (:

We really liked the crispy potato pancake thing we had at Riverboat :D So we decided to try to make our own version! With our extensive knowledge of cooking derived from martha, rachel, jamie, etc etc etc, we set out on our recipe creation.

We poked the potatoes, boiled them, soaked them in cold water, peeled them, chopped them up, mixed them with chopped spring onion, salt, pepper, egg... Tadaah!

Then we coated them with flour and fried them! and there was alot alot of smoke dont know why hahaha! The frying was quite smooth going, look it looks so pretty!

Eventually it tasted nothing like what we had at riverboat hahahahah! Dont know how they make theirs so yummy and crispy! secret seasoning and secret coating (:
But ours was okay, Passable! :D at least it tasted like potato! hahahah! my mum said it was not bad haha.

Yay success and fun!:D