~!~!~!HAPPI NEW YEAR!~!~!~
Yay! Its the start of a brand new 365 days! Let the past be gone and celebrate for the future! Wishing all of you out there a eventful and exciting 2005! Woohoo!
Hmz... nothing much happened on my new years day, just all the normal things (eg. studying!!! Argh!!!). Okie since i have nothing to blog about on today so lemme just post a quick recap on 2004!
On 2nd Jan 2004, i returned to YNPS after the holis! Cant remember how i felt then but should be very excited lar. =P So it was back to the same old gang of classmates with the return of the Samuel and led by a new teacher - Mrs Lee.
I had once heard that it was gonna be a terrible 2004 with our form teacher, but now, i think otherwise! Altho it was a terrible 2004 coz of the all the studying coz of PSLE but i think Mrs Lee was a good teacher. She was experienced and led us very patiently. So sorry her blood pressure went up coz of us and she got more asthma attacks this year Lol. She's a good teacher except for the fact that she talks like a machine gun. Thanks so much for all the guidance!
And this year, the class ,especially the guys, were as horrible as the previous year. =P Ah Ha! But i survived even with em!!! Mwahaha!! There had been alot of horrible things happening in 2004 but well, its all gone now and i made it till the end!!! Thanx all the girls for being there for me and sharing a great 365 days of fun. Thanx to the guys in my class too, altho i dun remember what you've done for mi. =P Thanx my web team for doing such a great job altho we didn't win anything. It had been a time of fun and laughter while learning so many things together. Not forgetting Ms Tio, the other web teacher (i forgot her name), Ms Chan, Mrs Singh and Mrs Chong. Thank them for guiding us in the web projects. So sad we are gonna leave each other liao. Wish you all the best in your secondary schools! Hope that our friendship will stay as strong as ever!
Thanx all the other wonderful friends i had ,like church friends and drama friends, for all you've done for me! I luv you ppl!!! TY to the friends i had made in MS too! ^^
Thanx my Dad for all the things you've done for me. And thanx my mum for errrr... lemme think... hmzzz.... nothing. Thanx anyway.
Finally, THANX my brother! Thanx for listening to me this whole year and helping me through this horrible, terrible year. And thank you for chatting with me at night when i cant get to sleep.
Oh ya and TY allll the DJs on 933 for being there with me everyday of the year, talking letting so much music into my life. Thank you!
THANK YOU to all the people in the world. Thanx SO much!
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'Tear-ing' off,