August 31, 2005
wheee!! =]
today was an amazingly mixed up day. morninig was dam pissifying as usual coz my brother was taking his own sweet time gelling his hair yet AGAIN. and we didnt leave for school until 6.50. then errrrrr reached school =] then errrrrrrrrrrr assembly then ACEs day!!!!! wahhhaha it wasnt fun -_-. all cramped up in the pahtetically small field with chances on a grasshopper landing on ur skirt or somebody stepping on u or centipedes crawling up ur legs. eeks. then was class party!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! we improtu and played musical chairs wahahhahaa. ms foo so cheat de. wahahhaha but she didnt win in the end anyway lol! wahhaha i really really idoilize kerri's mommy hahahhaa. so multitalented PLUS not fierce at all. and she knows how to bake cookies!!!! hahaaha. the packing up was HORRIBLE. -_- half of the people were just standing there having own fun and worst, a certain PERSON whom i shall not name was playing BASKETBALL outside with some 1/3 people while we were wiping the coke stains off the floor. after that lined up and went down to the hall. from that moment i grew to love hanjing more... 102 pokkys must love hanjing!!! our poor monitress has to shout and shout and shout at us people to line up and shutup and go down and sit down. u wont realise how frustrating it is until u realli try it urself!! grrr! whee then the concert was GREAT! compared to primary schoool's concert it is ten folds better la! then jannaa hy and their friend and i shared taxi back to the east then i reached tampines mrt at 11.30 ooooooooo hahaha. then yy and qx and i went to gongshang to visit ms teo! =] long lost ms teo whom we havent met for 3 yearss!! =] =] shes really changed alot, or probably its my poor memory that i couldnt recognise her. uhoh!! =P anyway yay ms teo!!! shes getting married this friday!!! wahhhaa!! ^^ she said i put on weight hahahahahaha!!!! eeks!! hahahhaa! i need to jian fei and get rid of my fat thighs. (wahahaha jeanne will tag that she has fatter thighs!) anyway ahhhhhh jianfei plus save money!! =] impossible feat. then we went back to yuneng and ahhhh michelle finally appeared wahahha and all the other people too missed them so much although we only met a month ago on national day hahahahaa. then we went to tm to roam around aimlessly again hahahaa and then went back home.
my brother had a rather interesting day too! =] he said his performance was screwed and they were tied for last place with the other band ahahhaha! coz the judges were all oldies teachers who didnt appreaciate rock. and according to him a gay duet who couldnt sing at all won the prize. but whats the diff la everybody gets ferrero rocher regardless of first or last anyway. oh yea and during his performance, the guitarist did an upstroke and the string sliced the meat off his index finger and the blood splashed on the guitar and dripped onto the floor. oh gross imagine he has to continue gripping the pick with his raw flesh for 2 more songs. eee so gross and the the guitar's owner, who was the bassist, didnt want to wipe away the blood stains coz he thought that the splash was cool and he liked it. -_- bian tai. yep and my bro went back to yuneng too to meet his already 3 years never see de classmates hahahaahahaa. according to him vincent is already taller than him and UNDERWEIGHT. thats a bit unbelievable but yea. and even though we were in tm we didnt meet each other.
yay end of my story!!! byebye nitezz!!
~ eeks! don want contacts! ```
August 30, 2005
tmr how should i go to gongshan to visit ms teo or back to yuneng. ahhhhhh
eeeeeeee AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
today was....... ................ yep first lesson science. sooo boring ahhahaha. mr chiamt very poor thing lehh get bullied by us coz we always talking and laughing at the back of the class. hahahha feeling guilty. errm then chinese. even more boring!! then recess, then maths. eeeee algebra chimonology. then was mass dance!! yea dance rocks! then was contact time and OhMIGOODNESS 102 got 19/20 for class cleanliness!!! ohmigoodness broke history!!!!! AHHHHH!!!1111 so friggin happy. its like FINALLY! finally we brushed off C or D and got A! AHHH!! okay then lunch then lang arts. did narratives AGAIN sian diao.
then gymm!!!!!!!!! worhahahaha i think i overcame my fear of fu3 zhu4 mwahahhaha!! yep and we had pizza party after that!! in celebration of teachers day for wang and zhang jiao lian. woohooooo =] =] =] havent ate pizza in veryyyyyyyy long. ehhhhhh ehhhhhhhhh thats about all =]
its teachers day tmr!!!!! yay!!!!! gonna be another great day!!! ^^
my LOVEMYLIPS spirit is spreading far and wide!!!! yay!!!
August 28, 2005
anyway today went to see my paternal ah ma. shes so skinny le after discharge from hospital. =[ =[ =[ lifes unpredictable =[ =[ =[
eeks byee.
August 27, 2005
AHHHHH the buffalo song and lovemylips is SOOOOOOOOO cute!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH~!! ^^ hahahah!!! i love em. wheeehahahhaha! eeks im so sleepy sleepy sleepy. art is unfinishable!! =[ and chiamt broke his promise he din put up the microbes powerpoint. and i finished fruits basket book 6 today!! ahhhhh so nice!!!! gan dong gan dong ahhahahha!
wahahaha byeiez!!! im sleepyyyyyy =]
Narrator: "One day while talking with Dr. Archibald, Larry confronts one of his deepest fears ..."
Larry: "If my lips ever left my mouth, packed a bag and headed south, that'd be too bad, I'd be so sad."
Archibald: "I see. That'd be too bad, you'd be so sad?"
Larry: "That'd be too bad. If my lips said "adios, I don't like you I think you're gross," that'd be too bad, I might get mad."
Archibald: "That'd be too bad, you might get mad?"
Larry: "That'd be too bad. If my lips moved to Duluth, left a mess and took my tooth, that'd be too bad, I'd call my Dad."
Archibald: "That'd be too bad, you'd call your Dad?"
Larry: "That'd be too bad."
Archibald: "Hold it. Did you say your father? Fascinating! So what you're saying is that if your lips left you ..."
Larry: "That'd be too bad, I'd be so sad, I might get mad, I'd call my Dad. That be too bad."
Archibald: "That'd be to bad?"
Larry: "That'd be too bad."
Archibald: "Why?"
Larry: "Because I love my lips." [Scatting]
Archibald: "Oh my ... This is more serious than I thought. Larry, tell me, what do you see here?"
Larry: "Um, that looks like a lip."
Archibald: "And this?"
Larry: "It's a lip!"
Archibald: "And this?"
Larry: "It's a lip, it's a lip, it's a lip lip lip! It's a lip, it's a lip, it's a lip lip lip! It's a lip, it's a lip, it's a lip lip lip. Liiiiiiiiiiiips. Lip lip lip."
Archibald: "Larry, tell me about your childhood."
Larry: "When I was just two years old I left my lips out in the cold and they turned blue. What could I do?"
Archibald: "They turned blue, what could you do?"
Larry: "Oh they turned blue. On the day I got my tooth I had to kiss my Great Aunt Ruth. She had a beard ... and it felt weird."
Archibald: "My, my. She had a beard and it felt weird?"
Larry: "She had a beard. Ten days after I turned eight, got my lips stuck in a gate. My friends all laughed. And I just stood there until the fire department came and broke the lock with a crow bar and I had to spend the next six weeks in lip rehab with this kid named Oscar who got stung by a bee - right on the lip - and we couldn't even talk to each other until the fifth week because both our lips were so swollen, and when he did start speaking he just spoke Polish and I only knew like three words in Polish except now I know four because Oscar taught me the word for lip: Usta!"
Archibald: "Your friends all laughed ... Usta? How do you spell that?"
Larry: "I don't know."
Archibald: "So what you're saying is that when you were young ..."
Larry: "They turned blue, what could I do? She had a beard and it felt weird. My friends all laughed ... Usta!"
Archibald: "I'm confused ..."
Larry: "I love my lips!" [Scatting]
Narrator: "This has been Silly Songs with Larry. Tune in next time to hear Larry say ..."
Larry: "Have I ever told you how I feel about my nose?"
Archibald: "Oh, look at the time!"
AHHH so cute right!!!!!!!!!
August 26, 2005
everyday jsut talk bout school. ughhhhh! but i shall do it anyway since i got nothing more to say =]
morning i wen tto school and kerri taught me how ta do the bead angel. so cute la!! i like handicraft hahahah! ermm then was pccg and lang arts. errrrrr! quite lame la! oh no! its actually VERY LAME!. then was recess! then was maths!! woohooo i got back my maths paper!!! woohooo it was my best paper so far. woohoo! i studied!!! =]
then was dance yay dance!! i love dance!! =] dance is fun! we finished the whole waltz thingo! =] =] =] so fun! =]
then was lunch! then was.. chinese! blehhhh sian!
then finish school!!!!! yay!!!!! so we went to the chiense debate. oh and i spent every single cent in my wallet. im broke again!! bleh!!! i must try to get addicted to going to the gym every break again to prevent myself from steeping into the canteen. yaya!!! ooo and back to the chiense debate. was veh interesting but the previous one at hci a looong time ago was much much more exciting! coz its the nationals but anyway, this debate was fun too! although the debators beat around the bush and kept repeating and repeating and repeating the same points over and over again. mmm the results were quite biased!! i think 2/1 did better la but 2/5 won anyway. 2/5 kept stuttering! okie i shall stop here lest i get killed by some 2/5 seniors who happens to be going around on yahoo seraching for blogs??
ooo the whole night i was carving wood!!! ahh so fun!! its interesting wahhaha!!! so fun =] but im just gonna die just by tracing the dam pattern. wheee i forgot what i wanted to say but anyway teachers day is comin!! =] yay!
oh yea its leoday again tmr! sad/happy. =[ okie bye people im gonna sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. im sooooooo deprived of sleep lah oh noooooo!!!! good nitez and sweet dreams (to myself) =] heeheee i realli need it. ehhhhh byeeeee!!! have a happy weekend before its too alte and u realise its mondayyy!!!
August 25, 2005
today was BADDDDDDDDDd. i flunked my lang arts test. confirmed. =[
then art. wheeee!!! we started to trace our pattern i think gonna start carving le! YAY!!! so funn!! dunno why nobody looks forward to it hahaha. probably coz of the gruesome tragic endings mrs teo portrayed for us.
then was recess!
then was chinese!!! still as draggy and boring. talk about chang cheng aiya sian.
then was science!!! i didnt hear a single thing chiam said hahahhaa. coz we were too busy being lame. we were writing letters to each other in class sigh!! and once we laughed so loudly my chiam turned around and "shhhhh!" us. aiyo die le he remmebrs my name lor! aiyo die le my progress report. die die.. XD
then was lunch!!!
then was geoggie woggie!!! test again. aiyo so suckie i went blank at the last moment. die le die le.
then was gym!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yayness! hahaha now every trainnig is official leoday. seniors do not set good examples *shakes finger* hahahahha! jk =]
lalallaaaaaaaaaaaaaalallalaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =] =] =]
wheee im craziIeeeeeeeeeeeee! oh its teachers day soon!!!!!! a late trip back to ynps again =] hahahaha.
August 23, 2005
my photoshop finally got well. =] =] but my frontpage is missing. =[ =[ =[
yayiezzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lalalla oooooooooooooooo lalalalala
dance is fun! we finished the whole dance today. ooo its fun!! =]
lalalallalala my posts are getting shorter and shorter. uh oh but im veyr very tired already. i'll probably go missing tmr coz i will be mugging throughout the night. sigh i wasted tonight by slacking somehow. eeeeeeeks geog test is gonna be difficult. according to inside info mwahahha. must mug and mug and mug before u pass.. uh oh im dead meat.
YIPPEE i survived school today! i survived it! mwahahhaha!!!! =] wahhaha and i survived training too!!! mwahahha mwahahhahaa!!! wheehaha zhang lao shi is fair and just. there is still justice in the world!!! mwahhahaha.
oh and ahhhhhhhhhh should i watch 'march of the penguins'? haha huiyings all crazy over it =] =] =] but no money. $4 for the rest of the week. how to survive!!!
ohyea this reminds me, yay animalconnections were selling spca stuff during recesses. annd i wanna say......
my hamster so cute!!!!!!!!!!! wahahahha. my hamster (badge) so cute!!!! ^^ ^^ ^^
`````` kajsdfknvaiheuirh~~~~~
August 22, 2005
oooooolaoooolaooola aie! aie!
olala oolala oola oola aie!!! aaaaaaaaallalallala ooooie!!!!
yay! ^^ that was jsut some very very random song =] =] XD
yay yay yay!!! aiya im dreaddddinggggg training tmr AHHHH!!!!!!!!1
leotard and tights arnt good. no no no. worse is the're gonna have a gathering tmr!! AHHHHHH disaster!! bleh bleh bleh.
im gonna die of mafan-ness tmr! ahh!!
~blehh ness! `
August 21, 2005
and i feel so empty without a purpose in life.
or rather without a purpose today.
i dunno what to dooooo now!!!!!! i cant think of anything to do! and my photoshop is still dead!!!!!!!!! grrrrrr =[
so blank so blank. =[ =[ =[
aiya i dont feel like doing my science or science worksheetttttttttt =[ =[ =[
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i duno what to do!!!!! i cant sleep now... -.-
i want my photoshop... =[
bleh bleh bleh bli bla blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
aiya haha steal the ?? from senior's bloggie.
o1. Honestly, where u at?- study room in frnt of computarr. (obviously)
o2. Honestly, what's on your mind?- what to do
o3. Honestly, who do you chat with when u are online?- ermmmm whoever doesnt stone and wants to chat with me
o4. Honestly, what is it that you REALLYshould be doing right now?- chiense and science ws?
o5. Honestly, have you brushed your teethtoday?- DUH.
o6. Honestly, are you a good friend?- dont think so
o7. Honestly, do you really think going to school is all that important?- actually not realli lor. but today bible study class said we must give our best in everything we do for God. but thinking of it if we werent force to go to school in the first place we wont have ta give our best in our studies =[ uh oh im a bad girl
o8. Honestly, what are your dreams aboutmostly?- i forget all my dreams
o9. Honestly, what are you so happy about right now?- nothing.
1o. Honestly, what are you so sad about right now?- theres nothing to do im bored and im dreading tuesday
11. Honestly, how old are you now?- 13 years, 5 months and 9 days old
12. * Honestly, who are you missing?- my granny
13. Honestly, have you ever stole something?- yea i just stole my brother's correction liquid
14. Honestly, what song are you listening to right now?- silence
15. Honestly, who do you want to meet at this very moment ?- everybody, all
16. Honestly, where do you like to be kissed?- ERM. i dont like to be kissed at all -.-
17. Honestly, do you like/love someone right now?- everybody. love ur neighbours remember!
18. Honestly, do you hate someone right now?- not at this moment
19. Honestly, who do you wanna hug right now?- i wanna hug something not somebody
2o. Honestly, are you bored?- TOTALLY!
21. Honestly, who do you wanna slap right now?- nobody i never tried
22. Honestly, have you answered all thequestions above honestly?- quite all
You Are Strawberry Pocky |
![]() Comforting, yet quirky ... quietly hyper You always see both sides to everything |
You Are Chocolate Ice Cream |
![]() Your personality is super strong and unique. Many people crave you constantly - while you turn a few off. You are most compatible with coffee ice cream. |
August 20, 2005
i dun like tights.. =[ =[ =[
and mine are shorties and size 30 somemore so small =[ =[ =[
i spent money on a loooong wierd looking thing and its SMALL. =[ =[ =[
hippies no more size 30, 32 le!!! =[ =[ =[
oh noooo dun wanna wear leo dun wanna wear tights. noooooooo!!! =[ =[ =[
~``` =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ ````~~~~~
August 19, 2005
~ growing bacteria ewwww``
August 17, 2005
`` Waiiiii n Shi HUi~!!
Yay lao le people!! =D Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee happy happy birthday!!!!!!!!! ^^
HAPpy BirThdayYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! although shihui wont read this =] HAPPYYYYYY BirThdayyyyyyyyyy!!!! YAy say happy birthday!!!
Yippppeeee!!! happy birthday!!! YAYyyyyyyy!!!!!!! ^^ stay young and happy forever!!!! =D yay happy happy!!!!!!!!!!! [=
WHEEEEEEEEEE i shall dedicate this post solely for happy birthday!!!!! ^^
``~ lOVe YaLl LoADsss!!!!!! `````~~~
August 15, 2005
YAY today happy happy! =] i mean now happy happy! usual lessons today bleh!! PE sucked although we only ran two rounds thank goodness compared to the 7 rounds last last week. aiyo sian then chinese. okay i rather have pe. then RECESS! erm spent the time doing my crappy teahcers day cards lol. then IT so lame. then lang arts. okay? then lunch!!! chocolate eclair!!! ms foo bought eclairs for us woohoo but its to pathetically mini hahhaha. thennnnnnnn was science. oh microbes. never listen again. =Pthen stayed back to do props!! yay! so fun! we love our beanstalk! and i love my comb although its flimsy, yay! but ive got paint in dots around my hong zi SIGH! i think thats about all. ooooooooo and i was locked outta house!! i stayed there for half an hour before my dad came to my rescue hahaha! waha din bring my key as usual and my mum was bo liao again and went to popular to buy assessment books for my bro -_- so nobody was at home, except for my key! sheesh.
yay finished adventures of today. im gonna upload piccys soon. look out for it in the links =]
~iron clothes ='[ ```
August 14, 2005
went to church today and todays the first day of Forty Days of Purpose. whee@!@! hmmmm yup then went to eat around tm there and my mum jsut wouldnt let me go into tm just to check the bear bear at precious thots. coz she jsut had to go fetch my brother to go home immediately to do hwk as if 10 minnutes would make a difference. SIGH! and i cant go junction 8 havent had any time after school blehhhhhhhhhh. then came home and have beeng 'studying' since. =] theres like nothing to study and i left my file in school cant to filing =[ and i cant do art since i left my art in school too oh man. ohnoooooooooo maths test....... oh nooooooooooo im not gonna flunk it! (i hope not!) sigh sigh sigh... =[
im bored
im bored
im seriously bored.
``~ chiamt ``~
August 12, 2005
tmr training at SJI okay how to go?? hmm lalalla bored. oh yea sth incredible happened today. after i came back from school and ate and everything i dropped on my bed and fell asleep and i only woke up at 8. woah and my mum din like wake me up or anything. isnt that incredible or what.
okay im bored LALAL im so truely bored...............................................
oh yea [most of the] people pleaseeeeeeee BLOGgg... everytime check blogs its the same old 5-day-old post... dont kill ur blog. byez
~!! ` Jiaqi Nuisance of the Medicated Shuffle ` ~!!
August 11, 2005
mm today.... first lesson was... lang arts. okay nothing much just did the narrative essay and the story thingie. so funny!! hahaha! Judd started dao-ing Mary. was he having an affair? Mary was sad. (Awwww....) But... truth was, Judd did not have an affair. He had contracted cancer and wanted to break up with Mary before he dies. He does want the girl he loves so much to be heartbroken (so sweet!!) LOL so funny so clinche. (okay kerri its cli-chei Lol) but aiyo who came up with that plot in the first place. its so sweet but WILL IT EVER COME TRUE? plus i bet it never did too. =[ awww....
Hmm next was... ooo... art. okay its fun but.... okay my art sucks, so it isnt fun already hahahhaha. recess! oh man i killed so many baby fishes im soo sorry!!!! *WEHH!!!!* =[ =[ yh bought wrong sushi.. =[ waha then was chinese WOOHOOO im so happi. i got 58/100 for chinesee!!!! whee i passed!! wahaha! its like my ying yong wen got 31/60 and i minus NINE marks coz of ge shi! crazy! aiya die le so sad i don want tuition!!!!
mmmmm next was SCIENCE. wa mr chiam... nothing to say bout him liao... today he came into class and asked if anybody didn't know that there was science test today. so okay carol and waiyee raised up their hands. okay so he continued talking and teaching ws 2.2. and then suddenly somebody asked. "so is there science test today" he said YES. OKAy..... OKAY..... he's first question was so absolutely redundant! okay thats not all. then later when we have only half an hour remaining. he just gave out the papers and we started doing and the paper's 50minutes -_- wa what is his problem man!... if chinese was after science i wouldnt mind at all but he CUT 20 MINUTES OF OUR LUNCH. does he know that 20 minutes is ALOT. just what is his problem. what makes me even MORE mad is that after the test he apologised for taking up our recess time. If he knew it he could have not done it in the first place! freak! and this is not the first time. that time practical also he started nagging and nagging and by the time he finished nagging it was already #$#$%^#$%^ time and he cut 15 minutes of FIRST RECESS. and after that time he did it again today and even worse some more. Sorry no cure Mr! the next time we have a science test and he started talking bout lesson we are gonna request and protest for the test to be taken first no matter what!
k then was lunch.... okay i ate. oo i ate. BUT we only had 15minutes left after class com meeting?? #$%^%#E$^%$^*. then was cme then was geog yay finish. sth interesing happened during geog. opposite at the science block there were soem sec2s filimg a shot movie for IT. then there were four ghosts slowly drifting across the corridoor. oh freaky.
after school we made muffins for cca cip!! people remember to buy tmr kie. yep was so fun. and me and sammie were so hungry we were going around 'critising' muffins so we can eat em hahahahaha. okay that was my today.
i dont feel like doing huodongjilu argh!!!! sb helpppppppp!!! oh ya and who wanna go junction 8 tmr with me?!?! pei wo.
Alala! Alala! Alala! Alala! Alalala!
wheee buaiez. iannnnnnnnn remember the photos TMR k.
`` why fake happiness when u'r cold inside.. ~
(P.S. so inspirational right! hahahaha)
August 10, 2005
New song! wait a while for it to load!
Junior (Dave): They're big, I'm littleThey go, I twiddle
Why can't little guys do big things too?
You're big! I'm little.My head only comes to your middle
But I say little guys can do big things too!
Archibald (King Saul): Yes, but Goliath, he's ...
Junior: He's big! But God's bigger!And when I think of Him, that's when I figure
With His help, little guys can do big things too!
Archibald: Oh, I see what you're saying!
Alright, I understand, now let's suppose that this is true
You still look rather whimpy, but I know what we can do!
Just step behind the curtain, it will only take a minute
There's a closet in the corner, and you'll like what I've got in it!
You'll find my royal armour there, don't dally, put it on!
Yes, now you'll look much bigger when the battle lines are drawn.
One more thing, I think - that's right, pick up my royal sword
It's a big one, and a beauty - the best you could afford!
Once you've got it all together, I think you will agree
You're bound to do much better if you try to look like me!
Junior: I think I should just be plain old me.
Archibald: Yes, but, have you seen Goliath? He's ... he's ...
Junior: He's big! But God's bigger!And when I think of Him, that's when I figure
Archibald: With His help, little guys can do big things?
Junior: With His help, I know I can do big things!
Junior and Archibald: With His help, little guys can do big thing too!]
August 09, 2005
I feel sad. I feel confused. My heart feels cold. I wanna cry.
I jsut came home to find out that senior is leaving, at the end of the year. ='[
So sad... shes gonna go to vj ip =[ =[ =[ =[ =[
oh man we'll miss her!!! our captain!!!!! AHHHHHH =[ =[ =[ also, vj doesnt have gym AHHHHHHhh wasted talent =[ =[ =[
and for some reason or another, jeanne feels like quitting too. oh man why!!! why... why......
and recieved news that wang FIRED chu. what the??? how come he can fire anybody he wants. and zhang is coming back. shes a good teacher but... i dunno... it just seems bad.
ARGH! misery
August 08, 2005
Im feeling hyper!
Im feeling crazy!
Im feeling sad!
I feel upset!
I wanna cry!
Im feeling mixed up!
This spells trouble. Oh no?! OH no! im going crazy. insane! mad! whatever u call that! im just speechless. "..............." oh no oh no oh no my mind's a blank or u can say a mess, with words i cannnot express. sheesh... okay calm down...
first - =] =] =] =] =]
second - ??? WHY ???
third - happy birthday!
fourth - congrats!
im confused...
okay look im realli going crazy... noooo.... okay so now i forgot all the inspirational stuff i wanted to say. okayzz... sigh i shall just stick with today's happenings
okay so today i woke up in the morning. it wasnt exactly a great starting. i wanted to puke. and after i got all dressed and prepared for school, my bro took so dam long to gel his hair (not as if he looks any handsomer) and it started to rain -_- okay.... and all coz of him we got caught in the rain and got all wet trying to get into the car. ughh and all coz of him we were late, got stuck in the jam and took half an hour just to reach nanyang. ["punctuality is a virtue" quoted from mrs susan chew.] Spoilt my day! the rain spoilt the original plan for nanyang's national day celeb but oh wells we did it in the hall anyway. oh of the girl guides fainted while stoning there throughout the ceremony. scary.. okay then whee we had a great time singing {aka shouting} with the band =] the band rocks! =] after the celebrations ended and we were dismissed, it was 10.45 so i went to wait for 67 to go back to school. i was freezing on the bus la the whole one and a half hour. and when i reached school i was still freezing la so ya.... hmmm... ya.... and i met joanie cheryl lin linghong peiying again!!!!!!!!! ahhhh missed them so much. but mich and sze never go!!! =[ miss them loads.yep and there were the boys too. i cant believe samuel came and didnt give me any trouble. oh thank god! yep okay....... then after that the gals went to tm, the boys duno go where. TM was SOOO crowded lor. oh and i missed TM SOOO much. the whole place was so crowded we decided to go long johns to eat since it was the lest crowded place altho there still werent any places and we had to wait and oh wow i like long johns yay!! combo 1!!! then ermmmmmmmmm we went to walk walk over all the place then waited 45 minutes to take neoprints!!!! okayyyy yay!!! neoprints!!! i want a scanner!!! so sad i dun have =[ hmm then later joanie went off cheryl lin went home so only left me peiyin and lh. then we went walk walk again in source of slippers!! yay!! but i still din buy any since OP slippers are 23dollars a pair and i din like any. and while we were walking around, i realised how cool the wallet shop is!!!! i love that shop!! i wanted to buy a pencilcase from there!!!!!!!!!!!!! but got no black argh!! i have set my eyes on it and im determined to get it XD. wheehahahahaha. okay i think thats all =] =] bye bye!
` letgo. just let go`
August 07, 2005
YAhoooooooooooooooooooooo im soooooooo looking forward to tmr!!!!!!! PEople its NATIONAL DAY yet again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love singapore!!!!!!!!!! woohoo its national day eve!!! look forward to singing along with the school band and OH MAN!!! going back to ynps to meet all my dear dear dear friends in dunno #$%%^&months again!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH oh mannnn..... ^^ happy!!! Wheeeee but the problem issat i jsut discovered that national day eve isnt a half public holiday for the working people so my dad wont be able to fetch me back to school!!!!!! wehhhhhhh!!!! okay so i have to wait for #$%^&*#$%^ minutes to take another $%^$%^ one and a half hour bus ride back to school. =[ so estimated time i'll arrive --1 oh goodness. then in the end i think i'll just go straight to tampines mall la! =[ yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy going to TM toooooooo havent gone in #$%^#$%^ months already!!!! yay we are going to tm to take lotsa neoprints and catch a movie!!!! I havnt caught a movie (in the theatre) in #$%^#$%^& months already la! hahahahaha yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! wheee happy!!!!! but just one prob.... =[ there..... only....... a............ one............... dollar............ note............. in...... my.............. wallet........... which........... i......... she bu de........... use =[ weh weh my dad better gimme my pocket moneh tmr!! WAHAHA okay todays post is so short but can la =] k byebyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Good Nitez!!!! OH MAN I MISSED FOP. *cries* its f.o.c. kie..... =[ SIGH! bye
August 06, 2005
mmmmmmmmmm okay today heard a realli realli gan dong story from TV!!!!
here it goes:
Ooooo... 感动感动!okay im so lame even though it is supposed to be insiprational, i 却 feel 感动ed. but it realli is veh 感动 righttttt... ='[
I changed my song!!!! but i cant hear it myselffff.... =[ hahah but anyway dunno larhz if u can hear good, if u cant its "Ye ye pao de cha" by jay chou! lol i just suddenly decided to put this song coz i love it too much awwww.. hahahahaa. im wierd lor, i dont like the very very popular songs and instead i like the not heard of ones. maybe you might say i have no taste but thats the way i am!! Its me!! And i love this song!!
oh and if u cant see the chinese words, go 'View', 'Encoding' and Unicode. but i guess u noe la hor hahahaa.
k thats all i have today byeeeeeeeeee........
*what u wish is what u get* (LOL zheee)
August 04, 2005
i miss MXPS bleh!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~
okay today was as normal a day as it could be. except that there was el speech trainng -_-. okay......... im getting more used to it?! hmmmmmmm but i still hate it nonetheless. but zhee was so funny! =] i must train my genie! wahahaha! mmm okay then finsih. after school was dance auditions. everybody got so depressed after seeing the standards of our sec4s oh man! hahhahha! but oh wells its our last performance. i never liked going on stage anywayz =]
yay gym training! fun fun fun!! ^^ i still can jia1jin3 la what the hell. already jia1 jin3 dao4 cannot jia jin le oh man!
Oh man la my dad is in taiwan and he just send my some piccys from taiwan. typhoon just broke out in taiwan and he is stuck in his luxurious hotel. what the hell man he sent me a video with a BIGGGGGGGGG hotel room larger than my bedroom and the empty room combined together. and they have a flat screen tv! in his room and another tv in his toilet. sad la living in luxury while im stuck in singapore bleh! AND OHMYGOSH they have a super toilet with ten over buttons at the side and my dad said one button was for washing ur butt after shitting. AHH! Taiwan so advanced la!!! oh man stuck in singapore but nevermind!!! national day's coming! I lUff singapore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whee!!! peoplle must love ur country kie! =] =] =] =] and love ur cca!!!!!!!!! ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^WHEE!
AHHH okay i hereby pledged to turn over a new leaf, and try to listen in class instead of doing silly things like doodling on my book and making wierd sounds to piss huiying off so i can laugh at her being pissed off at me (oh man thinking of it im so crazy -_-). i will hereby pledged to try not to copy every single question of my homework off some hardworkin peepz work and also not always do last minute projectwork =] I will hereby pledge too not to try to lead at all time and relax instead of screaming at groupmates for their work. I will also pledged to try my best to scream at people to do their duty and try very very very very very very very hard not to get another frikking D again for classroom cleanliness. thank you very much and have a nice day! =]
August 02, 2005
mm kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk today was school.... kk.... its tuesday... mm... kk.... yep its tuesday and i thoguht it was monday... mm... kkkk... and guess what! we had chinese test today! oh so suckie. last night i just copied all the important notes onto my book and then i forgot to memorise before sleeping! oh how crappy can i be! k so today i went to school and CHIONNGGGG and spent the whole science lesson memorising chinese culture thingies. SIGH! but the exam was so sucky all the same. UGH im gonna fail again. ying yong wen i only finished the introduction lor then bell ring le!! AHHHH somemore my intro so crappy and so many holes - wwords dunno hwo to write. oh man im gonna fail my chinese!!! AGAIN!! oh mannn =[ so crap ]=
Had gymm after school! yayiezzz! suppsoed to have started proper training but yea we didnt dunno la. halfway through gym ms ow came in. and she called all the sec 1s and sec2s to talk bout cip. oh crap man. i hate her. she told us that we were baking cookies as prizes for the nkf children and we have to packaged it nicely. what the hell man! last tuesday she told us we can bake and SELL it in school to raise the money. so we planned everything out nicely already. we were gonna make paper boats, put the cookies in and SELL it. yes now she says its gonna be for the kids and we have to packaged it nicely. what crap la! and last tuesday she said she would find us on thursday to confirm that again but she didnt. she didnt even find us on saturday la! its tuesday, we did so much preparation and last minute she came to tell us its all wrong. wtf all the time spent into folding those boats now its all wasted. what is the problem with her. last tuesday she even told us that she would help us book the kitchen and submit proposal to the school and book place to set up our stall to sell. and today she tells us its too troublesome have to submit proposal to school and what crap. what the hell man. WHY IS SHE INCHARGE OF OUR CCA CIP! is she our gym teacher in charge? WHERE is ms wong!!! if ms ow is our gym teacher in charge she should be ashamed of herself! she thinks that we have got training on friday! -_- crap la she doesnt even know our cca days, is she fit. at least ms wong does okay and she comes to training before comps. what the hell. utterly pissed off. she can learn to be more responsible and not make other peoples efforts go to waste liek that. and she sooo should learn how to keep her promises. coming on thursday means thursday, not five days later.
August 01, 2005
eekz i miss mxps.......... }.{ ahhhhhhhhh i tried finding my old friends through yahoo and friendster but still nothing =[ ahhhhhhhhh so sad lost contact