April 30, 2007
this year csm was as usual =[ but we werent allowed to sneak into the campus, therefore we couldnt go to the gym
this years cheering was rather successful haha
and and mr shyam ran for the teachers race!!!! hahah hes super cool!
just VROOM and overtake everybody infront!
i think our teachers are very cool we win every year HAHA.
after csm the eight of us went to kap to eat.
i overturned my coke and my tray was flooded -.-
soggy coke fries
with coke flavoured sweet chilli too
after that went iceskating!
some freaky chinaman wanted to make friends with livia!
"zhe shi wo de hao ma, zuo ge peng you ba."
hahahah poor livia gets too much attention in a bad way
mcflurry is lovely!
sigh im tired
im not talking in full sentences
my mum is pigging out on potato chips.
i tell u it runs in the genes.
April 29, 2007


i love my cream puff shells!
arent they cute!
and they are yummy! especially when they come right out of the oven.

i decided to bake m&m cookies today and look how they poofed too!
but anyway DONT EVER follow the recipe at the back of the m&m baking bits!!
you'll get diabetes.
I ate a few and i was behaving weirdly already hhahaha.
but i'll just forgive em coz they are so cute and they poof!
i like poofy stuff!
last pic,
MUDPIE!!! from island creamery!!!!!!!! ahhhhh! loveeeee!
I just knew this afternoon that fongays gonna migrate to taiwan.
argh my dear dear junior
leaving is the saddest thing
and it reminds me of the time when kerri had to leave too
its been more than 1 year.
April 26, 2007
arghhh FINALLY!
i finally get to sleep early and wake up late!!! ahhhh!!
extreme joy just overcomes when i think of it! though ALL my tests this term are very very messed up.
Im only satisfied with my reflective essay which we got back today.
haha and i conclude whenever i write essays, i shall write at the last minute so that i will go mad and add in lotsa weird stuff!
Its fun(ny) and i score better anyway =]]
yay iceskating on monday!!!!!
but i wanna go kap too!
oh man.
April 20, 2007
i want to go for training....
Its the first friday night im at home in a very very very very long time.
I feel empty
and lonely.
I've got nothing to do. coz i dont wanna study.
Wang had a debrief yesterday,
missed it coz of maths test, but i heard that he said something like
ahh so
April 19, 2007
April 18, 2007
and im glad to say it was a super happy day! =]
Went to school in the morning and left for the gym at 9.
I wasnt feeling anything at all. Just this rumbling feeling in my tummy which was funny =]
Anyway I FLEW OFF THE TRAMP TODAY! Luckily it was after wang was gone HAHA
I dont know what i did i just wasnt in control and when i bounced off the tramp i could find any place to land, so i just flewwwwwwww!
but dont try it! hahahahah not good. Just sometimes when u fly accidentally, enjoy the ride =]]]
i didnt know what i was doing. i just remembered i blinked and i was looking at the wooden floor the next moment. woohoo sianglin and shihui caught me!!!! aahahahah they can become pro-savers who go around catching people in the future if they dont have stuff to do. :D
After my fun theme park ride, we started doing our hair, the almost worst part of comps. we had to piak LOADS of gel and glitter onto our heads TT. Im still glittering with all the glitter that refuses to wash away. And by then it was 11! freaky!
We went down to CCAB and started warming up. Soomehow time passed super fast and it was the juniors turn to go out there to do their best! Livia was freaky she started crying coz she was super stressed hhahah! In the end the juniors did SO WELL! I was having a heart attack and grabbing livia while watching them as each of them went onto the tramp one by one. I was praying sooooo hard for nobody to shibai and nobody did!!!!!!! In fact their taos were so super niceeee!! ahhhh!! TT i was so happy i just started crying! and jeanne turned around and she was crying too, even amanda started crying!!!!!!!!
Our lovely fongay got her indiv bronze and our lovely stressed out livia got indiv silver!!! Ahahah! MY JUNIORS ROCK!!! :DD
Okay so the main point is they did so well that all the seniors started crying!! HAHA :DD
WELL DONE MY DEAR JUNIORS!!! love all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quite a while later, IT WAS OUR TURNN!!!!!! ahhhhh!!
I just sat at the holding area wondering whether i was in a dream. I wondered what would happen later. I wondered if i would slip again and shibai. I wondered about the consequences if i did that. And then I decided that ITS REALITY!
My nerves started to get the better of me and i was like trembling! even in the holding area!!!
Really freak out. And in no time the previous school completed their comps already and IT WAS OUR TURN!!!!!! I was really really freaking out like mad. The 30seconds warm up was horrible TT I seriously couldnt feel any of my muscles at all
=[ I was literally oh okay flip. oh okay turn and qitiao. and waa flip and chuai and pray hard that i land properly. then flyyyyyy TT
rawr and then it was comps!!!!!!! FREAKYYYYY I still felt in a dreamy state when olly jumped, and jeanne jumped, then amanda jumped, and then realised suddenly that its my turn!!
Hahah i was trembling alot alot, even when i sat down to wait for amandas score. I was shaking and i couldnt stop it.
The next thing i knew ''ting ting!'then i stood up and gave my confidentbutactuallyreallyfreakedoutinside smile and baied, then jump!
I totally wasnt in control and when i did qian kong i just thought 'dont care just go!!' then the rest just followed, with my legs trembing in midair hahahah! i dont know what happened to my tao i couldt even feel it. But i JIED!!!!! thats the most important part and IM SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!! hahahaha
Want to thank soooo many people for telling me that i can jie!!! If i hadnt decided that i CAN cheng tao, i would totally have died during comps i know =D YAY THANK YOU EVERYBODY!!!!!!!
In the end i got 8.10 . i knew it wasnt good but i was just so glad that i jied!! =]]
Soon after plah done. everybody finished jumping. we gather and we get our scores. then we went back and start hugging everybody =DD
We didnt perform very well but we still got a teamsilver in the end and jeanne got her indiv silver!!!! But i felt totally carefree. I didnt care about the scores. All i knew was that everybody did their best, and if we didnt win, it was just because stnicks was better and they deserved it =]] The scores didnt matter to me at all, unlike last year, when we were just totally devastated when we got a silver which in the end became worse and became a bronze. Hahaha i guess its a sign of growing up, which is good =]]] Scores totally dont matter, as long as all the teams get what we rightly deserve, and as long as we dui4 de2 qi3 ourselves, as long as everybody returns home happy knowing that we did our best!
And this year SJI gave each of us a bouquet of flowers as comps presents!!! AHahah so nice! THANK YOU! =]]
I love my bunch of roses!!!! Its so pretty!!!
Hope they wont ever wither.. =[
we went to kings for dinner and ate at a japanese restaurant. ITS SO EX!!! But we had fun :DDD YAY!
poor livia was made to sit beside ezra =/ i hope the juniors just wont go too far. livia was kinda sad.
The bill ended up over 1000 bucks. scared me. luckily we had money to pay
Tadah end of day!!! Just that the gym accounts is realllyyy mixed up now.
Comps this year was great i can say. not the actual comps, but the fact that i actually looked forward to training, and the fact that everybody was working so hard together as a team, and everybody wanting to improve to do their best. It was all such a wonderful time that i would never forget =]
Thank you Jeanne! for your encouragement every single day. Although i never really got confident of my tao, but your words kept me so warm =] Thank you for always piakking my face and being our favourite refrigerator! I LOVE YOU JEANNE. oh man i'll have nobody to run to with all my whines in the future... and i'll have nobody to get excited with when 933 is playing nice songs. arghhh...
Thank you JIAYI! for being the ultimate best captain! for always shielding us xiaodes, and always reminding us to be sensible 14/15 year olds. Thank you for being so great and POWER! Being the superwoman that carries all the stress silently. I always wonder how there can be so much greatness inside someone. especially when you came into this world merely 4 months ahead of me. i feel lousy heh. Im gonna miss you so much.... JIAYOU FOR YOUR STUDIES JIAYI!!!!!! dont forget to smile!!
Thank you Olly!!! Ahhhh thank you for always smiling and being our happy happy senior! Thank you for always laughing at every single thing, making trainings so happy!!!It was so sad the last few days when you got so stressed everybody was sad for you. Now, Smile olly smile!!! Im gonna miss your pretty smile! your cute laughter! I LOVE YOU OLLY!!
AND YINING!!! I still miss you so so much my pretty longlegged senior!!!! weh wehh i miss you..... TT thank you so much for believing in me! for trying to psycho me again and again today that i can jie =D thank you! I LOVE YOU!!! (although u think im a suaku for loving my cheese chawamushi too much xD)
Thank you so much seniors, for teaching me soooo much, for making such a big difference in my life. I wonder what would have happened to me if i hadnt met them.
I would have missed out SO much.
AND thank you juniorssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my wonderfully youthful but really talkative juniors.
sigh u all really make me feel so old. but nvrmind i still love all of you!!!
And im so proud of ALL of you!!!
But you're Bdiv now! And soon to be sec3s!
And THANK YOU MY TEAMMATES. I miss all the times we had together in cdiv.
Being so uber lame together, working so hard for comps together, and crying together for comps last year.
I miss all of you so much!
I still want my team back!!!
Sianglin, Amanda, Rina, ShiHui, Sammie!
I love my teammates!!!
And of course, THANK YOU LAOWANG!!!!!
Thank you for being so nice to everybody this year.
Thank you for being so encouraging
Thank you for being so close to us and making us feel that you really cared this year.
Thank you for being such a wonderful wonderful coach!!!!!
Having wang as coach is better than getting double teamgold and everybody tying for indiv gold!
Now after comps, c div is officially promoted to bdiv, and we are officially the oldest in gym! I dont want seniors to go!!
I really cant imagine how we are gonna be seniors and randomly think up wise words to teach our juniors the philosophies of life.
Arghhh its so scary thinking of it... Jeanne! Jiayi! Olly! DONT GO!! =[[ ahhhh im gonna miss you all so so so so so much! TT
Comps are over. Argh post comps withdrawal symptoms!
No more SJI trainings.
no more reaching home at ten.
no more working till late late late at night and then dying off the next day.
no more screaming at the juniors to za or kai or shen or la shang!
no more bi3sai4!
no more comps stress
no more enjoying the songs on 933 with jeanne haha!
no more laughing at junior's uber lame jokes
no more guessing if this is three, this is four, this is ten, how much is this?
no more sweating like crappppp
no moreeeeee!
Its 12.40 and im supposed to be sleeping so that i will have enough energy for tomorrow.
hahah die i've been writing cards since 9 -.-
I just read Jeannes April 16 post and i started crying again. Grah im such a cry baby.
AHHHHHH why does misfortune always happen to Jiayi. she overcame her fear. she worked so hard. she endured so much just for april 18. But just 2 days before it had to happen. AHHHH i feel so guilty. for being so knee-healthy and getting a chance to go up onto the comps tramp, but yet not working as hard as i should, not realising how lucky i am. arghhhhh. Sometimes i wonder how jiayi can have so much greatness inside her body, how shes such a impossible superwoman, performing all her miracles and blessing us. Arghhhhh whys life so unfair to her =[
Yesterday's training was sad. I just kept crashing and crashing until wang gave up on me. I just felt so sad and useless. What if i couldnt jie during comps. i would be letting down jiayi, letting down jeanne, letting down all my other teammates, and letting down wang.
The mood was low that training. Olly was feeling super stressed out, I was super frustrated with my shibaiing, and when Jiayi fell, that was it, everybody just plahhhhhhhhhhhh cryyyy. Sigh. Comps stress can really kill.
Anyway thank you to everybody who cheered for me. And those who kept saying "Jiayou Jiaqi. Alliteration!" hahahah =] Haha thanks even to the SJI guys
"well..i sortta witnessed the sji people being nice and FEELING for once. like when jiaqi was mega shibai-ing, they actually looked worried for her and they actually CLAPPED for her even before we did.and the fact that they botherd to come over to talk to jiayi bout her poor poor knee.well people, WE KNOW WE CAN DO IT!! WE'VE TRAINED HARD AND WE HAVE THE MOVES ITS ALL ABOUT DOING IT. JIAYOU NANYANG AND SJI TRAMP!!"
Although i didnt see it, but if its true, thank you!! =]
ShiChangDi was so much better today. Everybody performed rather okay =] And nobody crashed and fell off =]]]
I hope hope hope i will jie tomorrow and not crash... ah........
After shichangdi we went back to nanyang, ate lunch and went back for training at 3.30. wang just talked to us, and we trained for about 30 minutes only. And it was super slack training. After 430 when we were supposed to stop jumping, we practiced our walking in, mass prayed, mass beng jiao, and then everybody fell asleep all over the place. hahahah it was quite a funny sight =]]] And then we did comps presents for SJI. Jeanne bickering with Livia is super funny hahaha!
While writing cards today, I realised some stuff.
Comps isnt about winning, comps is just a weird phase gymmers have to go through. It is the great times spent with our team thats gonna stay in our memories forever, the bonds forged and strengthened throughout this period of time. This comps was a fantastic one, although actual comps is still tomorrow, because during trainings we discovered alot more about each other and everybody is so much more bonded now. And as long as we do our best we can, we are champs in our own rights!
The most important thing i realised was that I LOVE EVERYBODY. I love zoe, i love livia, i love qiaohui, i love fongyi, i love minyi, i love mindy, i love tessa, i love hazel, i love caijing, i love amanda, i love sianglin, i love shihui, i love rina, i love sammie, i love JIAYI, i love JEANNE, i love OLLY!!!! Everybody is so loveable! Everybody is so unique in their own ways, so supportive in their own ways, so lovely in their own way! And i am so grateful these are the people God chose for me to meet in the millions in the world. How can there be more lovely gym mates than all of them.
I love everybody!
April 15, 2007
Training was sad.. ahhh shibai shibai =[
anyway after training we decided that we should go ask for our rights.
soooo the whole gang of us flooded the GO and the two teachers there were kinda freake.
but anyway so jeanne our DA JIE DA talked to the teachers.
We asked to meet the principal but she wasnt in.
so jeanne just related to the teachers there
Then we waited for viceprincipal to come to school.
And she told us to talk to her through Mrs wong -.-
Okay lets talk about happy things.
After talking to the vp, Riina, fongay and me went to Island Creamery!!!!!!!!
=DD rina and i ate a mud pie each and fongay ate icecream.
MUDPIE IS LOVE! hahahaha love oreo =D love icecream! =D
I was really quite on a sugar high then =]
Ahh im dead. I havent done any work
And tmr i still have to bake. GRAHHh
i wont have time to study plus im gonna reach home at 10 on monday! Dx
die die die!
April 13, 2007
MADAM MAK COME BACKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ARGH FREAK OUT!!!! x((((
Training was pathetic today. The juniors went off early and there was only jeanne, olly and me left. Haha but actually it wasnt too bad for a change. much quieter =] haha!
Wang is so sad. sad sad wang. he randomly just told jeanne to not continue gym in jc, since we were gonna train under the hwachong coach if we continued to Adiv. Sigh sad sad wang and his bitter rivalry with the hwachong coach. its kind of funny but its not =[
Once again i see the sad wang under his smiles. Hes so lenient with us now. but whenever anyone crashes and i see him screaming at her, then laughing it off and telling us how to do it, its just so saddening to watch. A sense of guilt just creeps up to me. guilt of letting everyone down.
I LOVE RINAAAAAAAAA! RINA thank you so much for encouraging and encouraging and encouraging me! TT Thanks so much for believing in me! TT
AND I LOVE SHIHUIIIIII! Shihui thank you so much for always helping me to see my tao and encouraging me tooo!!!!!! ahhhh! loveeeeee!
And I LOVE JEANNE AND JIAYI AND OLLY TOO! for being the best seniors in the world!!!!!! ahhhhhh loveeee!
So many loveable people around me. i feel so blessed ^^
April 12, 2007
Somehow today was such a disaster!!!!
Mrs Deline Soh had to be sent to the hospital, and jeanne had an asthma attack, and we just found out that comps is on 18!!!!! not 19!!!!
AHHHHHHHHH okay fine. 1 day doesnt make a huge difference, but i cant believe the fact that we only know that we got it wrong all the while 1 week before comps! ever single day is so precious now!
arghhhh its stressful!!
and its disgusting!!!
arghhh its horrible!!!!
Todays training was a disaster in itself already. I shibaied every single tao. like EVERY SINGLE ONEEEEEE i wanted to kill myself. and i had yet another bad crash today. its just plain freaky.
April 09, 2007
But ahh should i go do my maths -.-
Hmmmm if i sleep now it will be the earliest i slept in 3 weeks =]
Its a monday again! =[ Mondays are sad things
But our baking sales went well today! yay! Thank you to everybody who supported us! :DD
For art we were using pastels (again) and drawing plants (again!!!).
I hate plants.
because plants are green and uninteresting hmm
although they are really helpful to us.
Training was crap. Didnt even do any nice dong zuo at all.
Comps are in 10 days!!! *faint*
April 08, 2007
Thank You for the cross Lord
Thank You for the price You paid
Bearing all my sin and shame
In love You came
And gave amazing grace
Thank You for this love Lord
Thank You for the nail-pierced hands
Washed me in Your cleansing flow
Now all I know
Your forgiveness and embrace
Worthy is the Lamb
Seated on the throne
Crown You now with many crowns
You reign victorious
High and lifted up
Jesus Son of God
The darling of heaven crucified
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb
I thank you Lord!
Whee i just ended my mass baking for tomorrow's sales.
I've been in the kitchen from 2.30 till now which is uh 9.30
Hahah i've never been in the kitchen for so long =]] And i've realised its really fun to do homework in the kitchen. plus it keeps me awake yay!
I shall just count my baking time at 4 hours since i procrastinate so much =]]
Anyway for today, i borrowed my granny's really ancient hand mixer. its so cool!!!!!
The box is old... very old... and when i open it up, it actually is quite a modern looking mixer! haha!! i expected a very bulky rusty thing made of metal, but it really looks like anyone i can find at courts.
Haha technology doesnt advance that fast after all huh?
Okay so then i dumped in the butter and sugar and egg, then the vanilla essence and the yummy wummy chocolate, and then the flour! and then it came out all nice and chocolaty! :DD
And i thank my mum for fighting over the metal bowl with me and giving me the big plastic one coz the whole brownie mixture was up to the brim of the plastic bowl. I cant imagine what it would be like if i used the metal bowl hahaha Dx
Its the first time i messed up my kitchen so much but nvrmind its secretly fun :D
My brownies smell wummy yummy today! Loveee!!!
Warm brownies are my new favourite!
April 05, 2007
Yay isnt that nice =] I have decided to boycott all homework till tmr =]]
Its holiday tomorrow and im really happy!
No training for 3 days straight! :D i totally need the break.
The SJI guys came over for training again. And i guess the school management was pissed. Vice-principal came up to the gym and talked to wang. Could see how he was getting irritated also at the school.
I think the school is so control-freak. Why do we have so many rules and regulations and for every single thing we have to write letters write letters -.- As if locking up the gym wasnt bad enough, now they are complaining that its against the rules for the SJI guys to come and train.
Sigh if only Madam Mak didnt leave.
Jiayi is so innocent, she gets dragged into every gym-school management conflict there is and shes really irritated as well.
Sigh looking back now, wang has really changed ALOT ALOT. Probably the juniors who changed him. I remember how i used to be just so scared of him, as he sits there and screams at us whenever we do something wrong. We didnt even dare to ask him when we wanted to go for break and had to push people infront heh, and rina always had to ask xD And i remember too at the beginning of the year, i dreaded going for training because of him. Now, its just so different. He has become so lenient and nice. The juniors can even go eat dinner in the midst of training. He became closer to us, rather than the freaky unfeeling coach months ago, we even started to make sponge BOBs.
Haha wangs a nice coach now and hopefully the school management wont keep stressing him.
And today, the juniors got frogjumps for punishment. Ah its really so difficult to dish out punishments to our beloved juniors but i guess the seniors thought its time for them to learn how to behave. The juniors are gonna become sec threes, become seniors next year. Cant imagine how the conduct in nanyang gym would be like next year when the seniors go off. We are gonna be the eldest in gym and we arent already exactly up to expectations in our training attitude currently.
I wanna go out this weekend! I wanna walk or catch a movie =[
This extract is so super funny!
"You're a bunch of bastards," shouted Templer; and Rice, who spoke Chinese, listened carefully as the translator announced without emotion: "His Excellency informs you that he knows that none of your mothers and fathers were married when you were born."
Templer waited, then, pointing a finger at the astonished villagers to show them who was the "Tuan," added "You may be bastards, but you'll find out that I can be a bigger one." Missing the point of the threat completely, the translator said politely, "His Excellency does admit, however, that his father was also not married to his mother."
Haha it really DID happen. How cool is that!And i find their propaganda kind of cool too! =]
This part is found on the propaganda leaflets the british gave out to encourage people to turn against the communists.
Leaflet No. 1750 depicts caricatures of a Communist leader on the front and a Communist fighter on the back. The leader has a ferocious face, the fighter big ears and a very thin waist. The text is:
Hahaha i find it super amusing. Its like backstabbing somebody right in the face =]QUALIFICATIONS OF A HIGH RANKING LEADER
1. Big eyes: able to supervise all the movement of his subordinates.
2. Small ears: so that will not be able to listen to the complaints and protests of subordinates.
3. Big mouth: to use for issuing orders the whole day long, telling lies about peace and equality, and to eat and drink voraciously
4. Small chest: to reduce his chance of being a target and, to avoid being shot by guns and bullets.
5. Big stomach: in order to have the capacity for good food and precious health supplements.
6. Slim little hands: convenient to loosen tight belt
7. Big buttocks: For just sitting all day long doing nothing while the comrades laboriously work the whole day carrying food supplies and collecting donations.
1. Blind Eyes: so that he won't be able to see his higher ranking leader's mistakes and bad habits.
2. Big Ears: to hear a whole bunch of propaganda and lies and to obey unreasonable orders.
3. No Mouth: so that he can't gossip secretly or be able to eat.
4. Big chest: in order to block gun shots to protect his superior.
5. Small stomach: to help lower food consumption, and to solve the problem of food shortages.
6. Rough hands: in order to do rough work.
7. Big feet: in order to walk up and down the jungle and streams.
the caricatures are super ugly :D
So anyway today we continued watching Frankenstein today during LA. And ahhhhhhh the monster is so sad!!!!! =[[[ I dont hate him now =] hes a nice monster inside! Its the world that turns away and forces him to kill =[ therefore its not his fault! =[
My houkong was horrid today. GRAHHHHHHHHHH
Its 00.35am. OHYA!
Okay im dead i've still got alot of work to do. should i study for tingxie..... =/// hahaha
I cant see my tagboard! =[
April 03, 2007
my mood is like &@*^(@#@#^(@*&3
crap. violent tendencies.
Im feelings super stressed out now. Theres so much dumb work to do, especially stupid humanities which we have to crap a report out of nothing.
im mood swinging alot.
im not gonna last very long like this. okay 16 more days.
i want to be free again but yet i know i'll be missing so much more when comps are over.
I feel sad. depressed.
I want to talk to somebody, but i know i wont really be telling that somebody alot, because theres so much inside.
Maybe i shall just go talk to my pillow.
And yes i shall go read my bible. Because God is there and i know it, i just need the comforting reassurance.
Its so sad reading jeanne's blog. because its sad to find out that even jeanne is struggling and very sad too =[ because jeanne is my source of hope and wise words, but now the hope is weary.
And Jiayi and Olly are tired too =[ when Jiayi and Olly are supposed to be the two bubbles of happiness.
I want to smile, but i find it so difficult.
I dont know why im emoing so much when (i think) im fine in school or during training. Facade in the day? Okay maybe its the loneliness of the night.
Darkness really gets someone thinking too much.
April 02, 2007
busy and sad life.
Today the speaker for special interest lecture was talking about myopia. And he somehow talked about how it all comes down to time management, how we organise and utilise our 24 hours everyday. He said that kids of our age needs 8 hours of sleep everyday (which i think is impossible, and which sam says we only need 6). and the rest of the 16 hours are free for us to use. So i realised woah thats alot of time, how do i actually spend my 16 hours?
16 hours is like 960 minutes! 16 lessons of physics, abit less than one whole serial of hana kimi.
So for today,
wake up, prepare to go to school, go to school, till end of school = 8 hours = 8 hours left
go hunt for my missing thumbdrive, go for art lesson = 3 1/2hours = 5 1/2 hours left
go to SJI, take so long to get into leo, train, wait for my dad to pick me up = 4 hours = 1/2 hour left.
1/2 hour.... to travel back home, eat, bathe, sleep. thats impossible, plus i've still got a mountain of work waiting for me.
Comps is gonna be over in 17 days. 17!!! 17!!!!!
oh man.... =] / =[
=] more time to study (not that i really want to) and slack!
=[ no more trainings which can be percieved as bonding sessions with seniors, teammates, juniors
Okay so ya i lost my cute little thumbdrive i am terrible saddened D:
we worked on pastel drawing for art today and my skirt got totally dirty! D:
jeanne's friends visited us during training again and amanda killed one of them D: (shhh...)
Tomorrow is not a slack day D: